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💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌 💌 Enjoy Valentine's Day with Molang & Piu Piu and gift your loved ones with our exclusive collection! 💌

Molang Wallet

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This Molang cute wallet is the best Molang accessory you can have ✨

Cute and convenient, let's take everywhere this Molang kawaii wallet in your bag! Molang and Piu Piu will always be with you!


Material: Polyester

Dimension: 9,5cm x 12cm

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Margaret Galima
Very good!

So good so far, I recommend it if you are a fan/ looking for a decent wallet to start with. Could be better but it is good to start with.

Quelques details agacants

Ce porte feuille est sympathique. Il est de bonne facture toutefois il a quelques details agacants pour moi. Notamment concernant la partie porte-monnaie. En soit, ce n'est pas un defaut plutot une preference de ma part. J'ai ajouté un petit morceau de papier cartonné afin de le scinder en deux pour pouvoir mettre les billets d'un coté et les pieces de l'autre. Par contre, les petits pans de tissu en evantail qui se deploient lorsqu'on ouvre le porte monnaie laisse trop de passage aux pieces qui tombent si on ne fait pas attention. Du reste, il fait le job et est tout a fait adorable!





MOLANG and PIU PIU now have an online home! Molang.com is the hub for all things cute and fun.

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MOLANG is the coolest kawaii character around, created by South Korean illustrator Hye-Ji Yoon and French animation studio Millimages. MOLANG and best friend chick PIU PIU take on their pastel world with a feel-good attitude - spreading friendship, happiness, empathy and positivity everywhere they go.